(The Above option requires using one of the monospace fonts at Settings > Appearance > Lyrics Font.) You can also place instructions like "pause" or "harmony" in square brackets. It will also place them above the corresponding words, or inline, according to Settings > Appearance > Bracketed Chords. Then BandHelper will automatically color them according to Settings > Appearance > Chords Color. If you want to include chords within your lyrics, you can surround them with ChordPro-style square brackets.You can also use the undo and redo buttons in this toolbar if needed.
On larger devices that have enough room for it, you can also use a Clear Formatting button (X icon) to remove formatting from the selected text. After entering lyrics, you can apply basic formatting-bold, italic, underline and color-using the formatting toolbar at the top of the Lyrics field.When typing in the Lyrics field, a toolbar will appear above the keyboard with buttons to sharp and flat symbols and other useful chord symbols.
You can type directly into the field, or copy and paste lyrics from a web page or a document.
To add lyrics to BandHelper, tap the edit button for a song, then scroll down to the Lyrics field. You can use this comparison chart to understand the differences. Note: Adding lyrics is similar to attaching documents, but not the same. Some of this info is covered in a tutorial video. Then a document button will appear in song lists, which youĬan tap to view the lyrics and chords. D.You can type or copy and paste lyrics and chords into your song records. Oo Gh, o Doh, o Chh Wo Go, wo Do, w Amoo Yeah, there's many different w Gays that you can k Dill the one you l Amove And it's never en Gough, it's never e Dnough Outro L Gock broken, slur spoken EmWound open, game token CI didn't know you were keeping c Gount. Refrain Am.You know there's many different w Gays That you can k Dill the one you l Amove The slowest w Gay is never l Doving them en Cough Do you really want to k Gnow where I was A Dpril 29 Cth? Do I really have to t Gell you how he br Dought me back to li Gfe? Chorus G High infidelity EmPut on your records and regret me I Cbent the truth too far tonight I was d Gancing around, d Dancing around it G.High infidelity EmPut on your headphones and burn my city Your p Cicket fence is sharp as knives I was d Gancing around, da Dncing around i Amt Refrain Do you really want to k Gnow where I was A Dpril 29t Amh? Do I really have to ch Gart the constell Dations in his ey Ames? You know there's many different w Gays that you can k Dill the one you lo Amve The slowest w Gay is never l Doving them enough Chorus G.High infidelity EmPut on your records and regret meeting me I b Cent the truth too far tonight I was d Gancing around, d Dancing around it G.High infidelity EmPut on your headphones and burn my city Your p Cicket fence is sharp as knives I was d Gancing around, d Dancing around i Amt Post-Chorus Oo Gh, o Doh, o Amoh Woo, wo Go, w Doo W Coo. At the ho Guse lonely, good money EmI'd pay if you'd just know me S Ceemed like the right thing at the t Gime. Verse 2 Storm coming, Emgood husband Bad omen D Cragged my feet right down the a Gisle.